Marie-Skłodowska Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship at the University of Vienna

What is a MSCA-PF?

The Marie-Skłodowska Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship (MSCA-PF) is a post-doctoral research and training programme in which the post-doc (fellow) gains additional skills and abilities working on a specific research project in a new environment, while also transferring their knowledge within their new institution. Open to all fields of research, the fellowship is a well-defined, 2-year-career stage.

For official information about the MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships (basic details, Guidelines, etc) please see Funding & tenders (

Why apply for a MSCA-PF @ the University of Vienna?

Experience: The University of Vienna provides extensive support to MSCA-PF candidates with the necessary profile to become world-class researchers at the top-rated University in Austria.

Success: Since the 2020 call, the number of successful applicants and the success rate in the MSCA Fellowship calls has continued to increase. 17 MSCA fellowships were awarded to the University in the 2020 call, and 23 in the 2021 call, the highest number ever awarded to the University in a single call. The success rate for University of Vienna applicants in the 2021 call was almost 30%, compared to the average of 13.8%. %. And in the 2022 call, compared to the EU success rate of 17.5%, the success rate for applicants with the University of Vienna was 35.3%. In 2023, 14 Fellowships were awarded, with a success rate of 19.7%.

Expression of Interest (EoI)

The Expression of Interest (EoI) programme is an additional process run internally by the University to proactively attract applications from excellent researchers worldwide who are interested in applying for a MSCA fellowship. Through the EoI, applicants can access a list of Supervisors at the University who are interested in supporting MSCA-PF candidates. Applicants submit a CV and brief summary of their research proposal to their Supervisor of choice. If selected by the Supervisor, applicants will then, in collaboration with the Supervisor, develop a full MSCA-PF proposal to be submitted by 10 September 2025.

More information about the EoI programme, and the list of Supervisors for 2025 will be available shortly.

Advantages of applying for a MSCA-PF @ the University of Vienna

  • We are the largest teaching and research institution in Austria.
  • There are 15 faculties and 5 centres devoted to both basic and applied research.
  • We offer state-of-the-art facilities, extensive research infrastructure and the oldest library in the German speaking world.
  • Post-doc salaries are based on the Collective Bargaining Agreement for University Staff, paid 14 times per year and are significantly higher than the living allowance provided by the Fellowship.
  • The University offers flexible working hours (based on core hours), childcare and language learning facilities. 
  • The University currently ranks 11th among the most international universities in the world and is the top-ranked Austrian University in the 2023 World University Rankings.
  • Vienna is consistently rated as one of the best cities to live in and has topped the Mercer Quality of Life Ranking for more than 10 straight years.
  • The University and Research Services Department have extensive experience with MSCA Fellowships as we host the highest number of Fellows in Austria. Successful applicants will receive support from the Research Services Department during proposal preparation including guidance documents, personalised feedback and in-depth proposal checks.
  • Over the past four years, the University has been increasingly successful with MSCA PF applications. In 2022, 18 fellowships were awarded, and the success rate for the University (35.3%) was about 20% higher than the EU average.


  • Supervisors

    --- Will be updated for the 2025 call ---

  • Eligibility & Profile

    --- Will be updated for the 2025 call ---

  • Deadlines & Restrictions

    Full MSCA-PF application to be submitted by 10 September 2025.

  • Contact

    For any questions please contact us:

    Research Services and Career Development
    Berggasse 7, 2. Stock
    1090 Wien

    T: +43-1-4277-18271 or
    T: +43-1-4277-18257