Faculty of Social Sciences


  • Department of Communication
    • Univ.-Prof. Hajo Boomgaarden, PhD

      Research focus:
      Hajo Boomgaarden’s research focusses on various aspects of political communication, such as election campaigning, the role of social media for political participation, misinformation and knowledge resistance, media and its interaction with migration within and beyond Europe, or on wider issues of how digitalisation (re)shapes democracy. Methodologically there is a focus on various computational methods, ranging from text analysis to networks or simulation models. Yet all empirical types of projects are welcome. Another strand of research is interested in modality effects, looking at digital reading practices and their consequences as well as virtual reality.

      More information can be found at:
    • Univ.-Prof. Folker Hanusch, PhD

      Research Focus:
      Prof Hanusch’s research deals with all areas of journalism studies. Specific foci lie in comparative journalism studies, journalistic culture, journalistic boundary work, audience expecations of journalism, lifestyle journalism, Indigenous journalism.

      More information can be found at:
    • Univ.-Prof. Dr. Sophie Lecheler

      Research Focus:
      Main Areas of the Political Communication Research Group:
      - Digital Humanism
      - AI Innovation and Democracy
      - Digital Political  Journalism
      - Politics and Science Communication

      More information can be found at:
    • Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jörg Matthes

      Research Focus:
      Digital media;
      social media;
      youth and digital media use;
      children and digital media use; media and terrorism;
      media effects;
      media psychology;
      political communication

      More information can be found at:
    • Ass.-Prof. Dr. Claudia Wilhelm

      Research focus:
      Main research focus:
      • Digital communication
      • Media use and effects, especially digital games and gender aspects
      • Digital Visibility
      • Children, Adolescents and Media

      More information can be found at:
  • Department of Demography
  • Department of Development Studies
  • Department of Government
    • Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Sylvia Kritzinger

      Research Focus:
      In general: Comparative Politics
      In particular: Political Competition, Political Behaviour, Electoral Democracy and Elections, Governments and Coalitions.

      More information can be found at:
    • Assoz.Prof. Dr. Carolina Plescia

      Research Focus:

      Electoral politics, voting behaviour, democratic representation, digital democracy.

      More information can be found at
    • Univ.-Prof. Markus Wagner PhD

      Research Focus:
      political behaviour, political parties, polarization

      More information can be found at:
    • Assoz.Prof. Christopher Wratil

      Research Focus:

      European and EU politics, democratic representation, public opinion and political behavior

      More information can be found at:
  • Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology
    • Univ.-Prof. Manuela Ciotti, PhD

      Research Focus:
      Anthropology of the future
      Art and anthropology
      Political anthropology
      Digital Anthropology
      Global South
      India and South Asia

      More information can be found at:

    • Mag. Dr.  Monika Palmberger

      Research Focus

      (Forced) Migration, (im)mobility, and citizenship Digital cultures and digital ethnography Gender and generation Social inequality and social change Care, ageing and transnational care Memory and politics of history Region: Europe, Southeast Asia, Middle East Qualitative and participatory methods

      More information can be found at
    • Univ.-Prof. Dr. Peter Schweitzer

      Research Focus:
      Anthropology of the Built Environment
      Remote Areas
      Climate Change
      Indigenous Movements
      Cultures and Identities
      History of Anthropology
      Arctic and Subarctic
      former Soviet Union
      I will only supervise candidates whose research interests are close to mine.

      More information can be found at:
  • Department of Sociology
    • Ass.-Prof. Dr. Emma Dowling

      Research Focus:

      social change (including just transition/eco-social transformation); social movements; sociology of work; emotions and work; care work, care regimes and social reproduction; welfare and public services; financialisation; feminist political economy reproduction; financialisation, feminist political economy.

      More information can be found at
    • Univ. Prof. Yuri Kazepov

      Research Focus:
      My research portfolio covers several urban and environmental relevant themes adding a territorial dimension to the analysis of citizenship, environmental issues, youth transitions, migration, poverty, … I address mainly issues at the intersection between multilevel governance arrangements and citizenship. The research projects I have been involved in from the very beginning of my career have always been characterized by two aspects: 1) interdisciplinarity; 2) comparativeness. Whenever possible I tried to investigate poverty, social policies, environmental issues, inequality and segregation, social assistance, activation policies, scalar configurations and multilevel governance, adopting a mix of qualitative and quantitative methods embedded in the understanding of the working of institutional settings. Funding comes predominantly through competitive procedures at international (European) level.

      More information can be found at: