Faculty of Physics
Computational and Soft Matter Physics
- Univ.-Prof. Dr. Roberto Cerbino
Research Focus:
I am interested in supervising experimental projects in Soft matter and Biophysics. Current areas of interest (but I am happy to discuss other areas as well) include:
- dynamics, phase transitions, and mechanical properties of cell tissues
- memory, rheology, yielding, and failure of amorphous solids
- non-equilibrium phenomena in microgravity
- development of novel optical and mechanical techniques and approaches
More information can be found at:
- Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Christos Likos
Research Focus:
Soft Matter Theory and Simulation with specific interest in:
• Vitrification in soft mixtures.
• Associating polymers.
• Ring polymer solutions and melts.
• Elasticity of soft colloids.
• Inhomogeneously charged colloids.
• Statics and dynamics of cluster formation.
• Theory of interactions of microgels and polyelectrolyte brushes.
• Single-molecule polymer rheology.
• Topologically constrained polymers.
• Polymer rheology.
• DNA-based nanostructures.
• Active polymers.
• Effective hydrodynamic techniques for soft colloids.
More information can be found at: https://comp-phys.univie.ac.at/likos/
- Univ.-Prof. Dr. Roberto Cerbino
Faculty Center for Nano Structure Research
- Assoc.-Prof. Dipl.-Phys. Dr. Oliver H. Heckl
Research Focus
The research of the Optical Metrology Group (OMG) centers on optical metrology and sensing, ultimately aiming to develop experiments sensitive enough to track time variations of fundamental constants. To that end, we are working on novel schemes in broadband precision spectroscopy and light-matter interaction of structured light. Our research includes work on low-noise (mid-IR) fiber lasers, mid-IR supermirrors, environmentally stable single-cavity dual-combs, and frequency combs in general.
More information can be found at
- Assoc.-Prof. Dipl.-Phys. Dr. Oliver H. Heckl
Gravitational Physics
- Ass.-Prof. Dr. David M Fajman
Research Focus:
I work on mathematical aspects of General Relativity, in particular on the dynamics of Einstein’s equations coupled to various matter models. This field concerns questions from mathematical cosmology or isolated self-gravitating systems focussed on the stability of various solutions of the Einstein equations.
- Ass.-Prof. Dr. David M Fajman
Mathematical Physics
- Assoz.Prof. Nils Carqueville, PhD
Research Focus
Mathematical physics,
topological quantum field theory
More information can be found at: www.carqueville.net/nils
- Assoz.Prof. Nils Carqueville, PhD
Quantum Optics, Quantum Nanophysics and Quantum Information Group
- Ass.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Thomas Juffmann
Research Focus
- Quantum and Cavity enhanced Imaging
- Sensitivity Limits of Phase Microscopy
- Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging
- Wave-front Shaping of Electrons
- Method Development for Structural Biology
More information can be found at
- Ass-Prof Andreas Nunnenkamp, PhD
Research Focus:
We are a theory group interested in how to create, control and exploit quantum coherence in the many-body setting. The big questions we address include interplay of topology, interactions and disorder, and control by driving, feedback and dissipation. We aim at advancing quantum technology and the understanding of non-equilibrium phases of matter.
More information can be found at:
- Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Philip Walther
Research Focus:
Photonic quantum computation and quantum simulation; Quantum-enhanced secure computing;
Development of scalable quantum photonic technology;
Experimental investigation of the interface between quantum physics and gravity.
More information can be found at:
- Ass.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Thomas Juffmann