Faculty of Philosophy and Education
Department of Philosophy
- Univ.-Prof. Max Kölbel, MA MPhil PhD
Research Focus:
There are research activities in a wide range of areas within the philosophy department. Max Kölbel’s group is active in the philosophy of language, epistemology, meta ethics, metaphilosophy (especially foundational questions concerning natural language semantics, the pragmatics-semantics interface, relativism vs. contextualism, non-truth-conditional aspects of meaning, slurs and derogatives, propositions and semantic content, conceptual engineering, philosophical method).
More information can be found at:
- Ass.-Prof. Felix Pinkert
Research Focus:
I am interested in supervising projects in the following subject areas.
1) topics at the intersection between philosophy and economics, esp. in relation to ethics and political Philosophy
2) climate ethics and environmental ethics
3) family and reproductive ethics
4) moral theory, especially consequentialist ethics
More information can be found at:
- Ass.-Prof. Dr. Donata Romizi, M.A.
Research Focus
Didactics of Philosophy and Ethics. Philosophical Practice.
More information can be found at
- Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hans Bernhard Schmid
Research Focus
Social Ontology Phenomenology Philosophy of Social Science
More information can be found at
- Univ.-Prof. Paulina Sliwa, PhD
Research Focus
Moral Philosophy, Political Philosophy, Epistemology, Feminist Philosophy
- Univ.-Prof. Max Kölbel, MA MPhil PhD
Department of Education
- Assoz. Prof. Dott. ric. Dott. mag. Evi Agostini
Research Focus
- (Phänomenologische) Lehr- und Lernforschung
- (Responsive) Lehrer*innenbildung und Schulentwicklung
- Forschung im Bereich ästhetischer Bildung
- Pädagogisches Ethos
- Nachhaltigkeit und gutes Leben
More information can be found at
- Ass.-Prof. Dr Sabine Grenz (Privatdozentin)
Research Focus:
Gender Studies: postsecularity, sexualities, history of gendered knowledge, intersectionality, feminist methodologies
More information can be found at:
- Univ.-Prof. Dr. Judith Schoonenboom
Research Focus
Mixed methods research in education science and social sciences
More information can be found at
- Univ.-Prof. Dr. Barbara Schulte
Research Focus:
Our research unit of Comparative & International Education looks at the diffusion and adoption of educational concepts, ideologies, reforms, models, technologies, and practices across societies, with particular focus on how various actors navigate processes of cultural and political translation, appropriation, hybridization, contestation, and resistance; as well as on the multiple tensions and contradictions that arise from these processes. We work both on contemporary and historical developments, and have been conducting research primarily in and on Northern, Southern, and Western Europe, the Middle East, Central Asia and the Caucasus, East Asia, South Asia, and North and Latin America. We are specifically interested in questions such as:
• How do processes of globalization and indigenization affect families, students, schools, teachers, universities, and academic fields? How do different groups within a society – elite, middle class, and marginalized actors – deal with these challenges?
• In which ways, and for what reasons, do certain international educational ideas, policies, and practices gain traction locally, while others are ignored or rejected?
• How does the different positioning in the hierarchies of the world system give rise to different challenges and pressures for educational actors at the national and regional levels?
• How is the educational sector intertwined with other sectors, in particular those of the economy and politics, and how does that affect cross-sectional borrowing and lending?
More information can be found at:
- Univ. Prof. Dr. Christian Swertz
Research Focus
Media Education,
Critical Media Literacy,
Philosophy of Media Education
More information can be found at
- Univ.-Prof. Dr. Daniel Tröhler
Research Focus
Foundations of Education,
Curriculum Studies,
Comparative Education,
History of Education,
Globalization theories
More information can be found at
- Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Veronika Wöhrer
Research Focus
Intersectional approaches towards education and inequality;
gendered aspects of education;
school drop out;
transition from school to work;
participatory action research
More information can be found at
- Assoz. Prof. Dott. ric. Dott. mag. Evi Agostini